Trapped in Neon
"Trapped in Neon" A visceral sensation of confinement within a surreal realm, where the amalgamation of light and space becomes a prison of the mind. The piece explores the psychological landscape of entrapment, juxtaposed against the ethereal allure of pulsating blue neon lights.
Within the confines of the glass room, the viewer is confronted with an overwhelming sense of isolation and constraint. The pulsating neon lights, with their hypnotic rhythm, serve as both a beacon of hope and a harbinger of captivity. Each flicker of light casts shadows that move across the walls, amplifying the dissonance between confinement and freedom.
By using blue lights, I give the viewer a sense of a bizarre detachment, transporting the viewer into a surreal dreamscape where reality blurs with imagination, accentuating the feeling of being suspended in time and space.
"Trapped in Neon" invites viewers to confront their own perceptions of confinement and liberation, prompting introspection into the invisible barriers that confine the human experience.