The essence of my photographic journey lies in the unassuming power of my mobile phone, a discreet companion that seamlessly integrates into the rhythm of my daily life. The Huawei Pro phone, with its exceptional Leica lens, has become my primary canvas, surpassing even my cherished Leica camera. This transition has sparked a profound love and fascination for the nuanced world that unfolds through the lens of a mobile device.
The joy lies not only in the instant accessibility and spontaneity that mobile photography affords but also in the artful rendering of moments that often go unnoticed. The lens becomes a tool for quiet observation, capturing the subtleties of life with an intimacy that might be lost in the conspicuous presence of traditional cameras. Through the Huawei Pro lens, I explore the delicate dance between visibility and invisibility, reveling in the freedom to document the world as an unseen observer. This convergence of technology and artistry unlocks a unique realm where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, and the mundane becomes a source of endless fascination.